Compilation de liens glânés :


Les liens pour les points de collecte à Lyon


Collecte du collectif LGBTQI+ Lyon-Ukraine


Muscut :


De Tonstartssbandht :
Here are resources for contributing. Various ways to donate, volunteer, local rally locations, lines of information, etc. Please make the time to involve yourself with this crisis in any way. All voices against this aggression add up to something bigger. The noise must grow piercingly loud, and you must have faith. *Russian friends* - I encourage you to take action at home. I know that may seem a callous request, but I say it with love and respect. Be safe, use caution, but cause disruption.



Razom pour l'Ukraine, compile de liens


samazra ukraine 96152




Systema, label d'Odessa 


Message de Root Radio

rootukraine e607e

"The second event of our Reclaim and Mobilize series, “solidarity against all (un)civilized occupations” starts today 11.03.2022 at 13:00-01:00 (GMT+3) on and will continue in the next and upcoming weeks. This is to show support with everyone fleeing from the war in Ukraine and suffering from being displaced and dispossessed, living under occupation, and struggling against war around the world. We would once again like to raise our voices to say that we stand with the oppressed against all discrimination, despite the double standards the world appears to carry out showing solidarity with people. In the last couple of weeks, we have been witnessing flagrant hypocrisy on every level: Many western politicians and media are not ashamed of openly discriminating against refugees based on race, religion, or national origin, while the people of Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Iraq are victims of war, of state violence, of occupation, and forced displacement due to the ongoing acts of those same governments which are not much different than that of the Russian government. The European countries that denied humanitarian help and support to Muslim and migrant communities because of their selective border policies for years are now discriminating against refugees of African descent trying to flee Ukraine. The apartheid state of Israel has been offering citizenship to Jewish Ukrainians in the occupied land of the West Bank while denying Palestinians’ right to exist in their own country for over 70 years.

As a platform to encourage community growth, advocate diversity, and recognize migration, located in Istanbul -with millions of refugees who live in inhumane conditions- we know that the only ones to blame are governments with their political interests in causing wars and committing war crimes for their own agenda. We call everyone to raise their voices and oppose the ongoing prejudiced solidarity, white supremacy, and racism. Solidarity with the Ukrainian and all oppressed people of the world!poster design: @n__d__design"




Communiqué des éditions Croatan :




L'Atelier des Canulars organise également un bar de soutien ce samedi aux anarchistes ukrainiens de Black Headquarters

anarlyon 3e91d



Une compile du label Music From Memory avec RAMZi, Jordan GCZ et d'autres, en soutien à la croix rouge ukrainienne



on nous fait parvenir ce rappel :

Pour rappel la Syrie est en guerre civile depuis 2011, avec des agressions de l'état voisin comme celle sur Afrin en 2018 qui a conduit à une occupation qui dure encore.

Amnesty International a par exemple également récemment reconnu l'état d'apartheid en Israël et sur les territoires palestiniens occupés.

La guerre a également toujours cours au Yémen, en Afghanistan, au Myanmar, dans le Tigré, au Sahara, au Mali, aux Soudans, en Somali et dans d'autres parties du monde à divers niveaux d'intensités. Toutes ses guerres affectent et détruisent des vies, toutes ses guerres conduisent aux exils. Les différences de traitement ont toujours relevées du racisme.

Nombre d'associations travaillent à accueillir et accompagner des personnes depuis des années, on pense à 2MSG  , à Jamais Sans Toit au collectif solidarités cusset ou à l'espace communal de la guillotière, et bien d'autres qui n'ont pas attendu que ce soit acceptable de se comporter dignement.






Un arc-en-ciel planté dans le béton.

1001 chansons offertes par les groupes qui ont joué à GrrrndZero.

Clique sur le poste !

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